
Below you will find the media items sorted by date of upload.

Jan Wei Pan on quantum weirdness
Jan Wei Pan on quantum weirdness
Chinese quantum physicist Jan Wei Pan on how the Chinese are exploring the quantum world and the launch of the first quantum satellite. (49:41) 24 Aug 2016
Jean-Jacques Hublin on human evolution
Jean-Jacques Hublin on human evolution
Jean-Jacques Hublin talking about evolution of the human species and the question what makes us so dangerous. (01:36:26) 05 Jul 2016
Jean-Jacques Hublin: Extra footage 1
Jean-Jacques Hublin: Extra footage 1
Jean-Jacques Hublin explains the significance of the homo-erectus in human evolution (07:50) 05 Jul 2016
Jean-Jacques Hublin: Extra footage 2
Jean-Jacques Hublin: Extra footage 2
Jean-Jacques Hublin at home elaborating on fossils and what they learn us (03:45) 05 Jul 2016
Jean-Jacques Hublin: Extra footage 3
Jean-Jacques Hublin: Extra footage 3
Jean-Jacques Hublin takes a look on the excavation site in Leipzich and analyzes digitally some archaeological objects (14:02) 05 Jul 2016
Jian-Wei Pan - Extra footage 2
Jian-Wei Pan - Extra footage 2
Quantum mechanics laboratory in Hefei China; shots of the observatory in the mountains near Beijing. (06:56) 01 Jan 1960
Jian-Wei Pan: Extra footage 1
Jian-Wei Pan: Extra footage 1
Jian-Wei Pan travelling; images of the observatory in the mountains near Beijing; Jian-Wei Pan with family. (05:12) 01 Jan 1960
Joanna Aizenberg
Joanna Aizenberg
Material scientist Joanna Aizenberg is an international pioneering in the creation of new, adaptive materials inspired by nature. (01:06:52) 21 Sep 2016
Joanna Aizenberg - Extra Footage 1
Joanna Aizenberg - Extra Footage 1
Aizenbergs team visiting the location in Cape Cod where liquid-infused porous surfaces technology developed in Aizenberg's lab is being tested. (07:47) 22 Sep 2016
Joanna Aizenberg - Extra Footage 2
Joanna Aizenberg - Extra Footage 2
Aizenberg's laboratory where new materials are being tested and researched. (23:03) 22 Sep 2016

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Results from complete repository (10,949)

''Wat Friese gleiers bakken''
''Wat Friese gleiers bakken''
Weeknummer 60-25Bioscoopjournaals waarin Nederlandse onderwerpen van een bepaalde week worden gepresenteerd. (02:26) 09 Jun 1960
''Wintertentoonstelling 1951'' in de Apollohal
''Wintertentoonstelling 1951'' in de Apollohal
Weeknummer 51-14Bioscoopjournaals waarin Nederlandse onderwerpen van een bepaalde week worden gepresenteerd. (01:20) 01 Apr 1951
''Zingende rails'' tot zwijgen gebracht
''Zingende rails'' tot zwijgen gebracht
Weeknummer 58-26Bioscoopjournaals waarin Nederlandse onderwerpen van een bepaalde week worden gepresenteerd. (01:55) 09 May 1958
''Heavyweight'' contest
''Heavyweight'' contest
Week number 55-05Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (01:06) 22 Jan 1955
'Doe-het-zelf'-waterskiën, dankzij de zgn. ski-scooter
'Doe-het-zelf'-waterskiën, dankzij de zgn. ski-scooter
Weeknummer 77-17 Bioscoopjournaals waarin Nederlandse onderwerpen van een bepaalde week worden gepresenteerd. (01:10) 01 Jan 1977
'Here it is' dream island for adventurous boys from Amsterda...
'Here it is' dream island for adventurous boys from Amsterdam East
Week number: 57-35Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (02:05) 16 Aug 1957
Launching of the 'Magna Pete'
Launching of the 'Magna Pete'
Week number 48-27Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (01:23) 24 Jun 1948
'Discover your city' exhibition
'Discover your city' exhibition
Week number 37-50Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (01:12) 06 Dec 1937
'Operation pea soup' for the benefit of the National Disaste...
'Operation pea soup' for the benefit of the National Disaster Relief Fund
Week number: 53-09Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (01:26) 23 Feb 1953
's-Gravenhaagsche vacantie-kinderfeest 1920, Het
's-Gravenhaagsche vacantie-kinderfeest 1920, Het
Reportage about roughly a thousand children from The Hague on their annual outing to Soesterberg. (05:21) 31 Dec 1919

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