Below you will find the media items sorted by date of upload.
- Jan Wei Pan on quantum weirdness
- Chinese quantum physicist Jan Wei Pan on how the Chinese are exploring the quantum world and the launch of the first quantum satellite. (49:41) 24 Aug 2016
- Jean-Jacques Hublin on human evolution
- Jean-Jacques Hublin talking about evolution of the human species and the question what makes us so dangerous. (01:36:26) 05 Jul 2016
- Jean-Jacques Hublin: Extra footage 1
- Jean-Jacques Hublin explains the significance of the homo-erectus in human evolution (07:50) 05 Jul 2016
- Jean-Jacques Hublin: Extra footage 2
- Jean-Jacques Hublin at home elaborating on fossils and what they learn us (03:45) 05 Jul 2016
- Jean-Jacques Hublin: Extra footage 3
- Jean-Jacques Hublin takes a look on the excavation site in Leipzich and analyzes digitally some archaeological objects (14:02) 05 Jul 2016
- Jian-Wei Pan - Extra footage 2
- Quantum mechanics laboratory in Hefei China; shots of the observatory in the mountains near Beijing. (06:56) 01 Jan 1960
- Jian-Wei Pan: Extra footage 1
- Jian-Wei Pan travelling; images of the observatory in the mountains near Beijing; Jian-Wei Pan with family. (05:12) 01 Jan 1960
- Joanna Aizenberg
- Material scientist Joanna Aizenberg is an international pioneering in the creation of new, adaptive materials inspired by nature. (01:06:52) 21 Sep 2016
- Joanna Aizenberg - Extra Footage 1
- Aizenbergs team visiting the location in Cape Cod where liquid-infused porous surfaces technology developed in Aizenberg's lab is being tested. (07:47) 22 Sep 2016
- Joanna Aizenberg - Extra Footage 2
- Aizenberg's laboratory where new materials are being tested and researched. (23:03) 22 Sep 2016
Results from complete repository (10,949)
- ''Wat Friese gleiers bakken''
- Weeknummer 60-25Bioscoopjournaals waarin Nederlandse onderwerpen van een bepaalde week worden gepresenteerd. (02:26) 09 Jun 1960
- ''Wintertentoonstelling 1951'' in de Apollohal
- Weeknummer 51-14Bioscoopjournaals waarin Nederlandse onderwerpen van een bepaalde week worden gepresenteerd. (01:20) 01 Apr 1951
- ''Zingende rails'' tot zwijgen gebracht
- Weeknummer 58-26Bioscoopjournaals waarin Nederlandse onderwerpen van een bepaalde week worden gepresenteerd. (01:55) 09 May 1958
- ''Heavyweight'' contest
- Week number 55-05Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (01:06) 22 Jan 1955
- 'Doe-het-zelf'-waterskiën, dankzij de zgn. ski-scooter
- Weeknummer 77-17 Bioscoopjournaals waarin Nederlandse onderwerpen van een bepaalde week worden gepresenteerd. (01:10) 01 Jan 1977
- 'Here it is' dream island for adventurous boys from Amsterda...
- Week number: 57-35Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (02:05) 16 Aug 1957
- Launching of the 'Magna Pete'
- Week number 48-27Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (01:23) 24 Jun 1948
- 'Discover your city' exhibition
- Week number 37-50Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (01:12) 06 Dec 1937
- 'Operation pea soup' for the benefit of the National Disaste...
- Week number: 53-09Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (01:26) 23 Feb 1953
- 's-Gravenhaagsche vacantie-kinderfeest 1920, Het
- Reportage about roughly a thousand children from The Hague on their annual outing to Soesterberg. (05:21) 31 Dec 1919