
Below you will find the media items sorted by date of upload.

Results from complete repository (10,355)

The technological center of the ESA
The technological center of the ESA
Week number: 79-30Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (03:00) 01 Jan 1979
Lawrence Lessig
Lawrence Lessig
OVA Webside ChatPresentation made by Lawrence Lessig at the OpenVideoAlliance webside chat on February 25, 2010. (42:14) 08 Mar 2010
Commemoration of the February Strike
Commemoration of the February Strike
Week number 66-10Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (02:00) 25 Feb 1966
Commemoration of the Battle of Arnhem
Commemoration of the Battle of Arnhem
Week number 64-39Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (02:02) 17 Sep 1964
National monument is nearing completion
National monument is nearing completion
Week number 56-13Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (00:47) 16 Mar 1956
Exhibition of the designs for a national merchant navy monum...
Exhibition of the designs for a national merchant navy monument
Week number 52-33Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (01:15) 01 Aug 1952
Construction of a miniature city
Construction of a miniature city
Week number 51-42Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (01:15) 01 Oct 1951
May 5 1945 - May 5 1950: a lookback at the first lustrum of ...
May 5 1945 - May 5 1950: a lookback at the first lustrum of our liberation
Week number 50-18Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (02:51) 05 May 1950
Unveiling of the resistance monument at the Fort de Bilt
Unveiling of the resistance monument at the Fort de Bilt
Week number 49-25Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (00:53) 13 Jun 1949
Corinne Franzen works on the Utrecht resistance monument
Corinne Franzen works on the Utrecht resistance monument
Week number 49-16Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (00:46) 12 Apr 1949

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