Below you will find the media items sorted by date of upload.
- Yuri Oganessian: Extra Footage 2
- Yuri Oganessian in the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Doebna, coordinating the work and discussing experiments with colleagues (24:26) 20 Mar 2016
- Yuri Oganessian: Extra footage 1
- Yuri Oganession visits the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, some images of Dubna (04:21) 20 Mar 2016
- Yoshua Bengio: Extra Footage 3
- Bengio elaborates on the equations he uses, their meaning, and on his favourite songs (10:30) 17 Feb 2016
- Yoshua Bengio: Extra footage 2
- Bengio explains how computers and our brain exhibit 'deep learning' by employing multi-stage computing, and he reflects on the future of artificial intellig... (30:20) 17 Feb 2016
- Yoshua Bengio on intelligent machines
- Canadian computer scientist Yoshua Bengio on artificial intelligence and how we can create thinking and learning machines through algorithms. (01:30:58) 01 Jan 1960
- Yoshua Bengio Extra Footage 1: Brainstorm with students
- Bengio walking to a classroom; talking with students at the Montreal Institute for Learning Algorithms on generalizing the principle of backpropagation (20:08) 18 Feb 2016
- Virus hunter Ron Fouchier on conquering the virus world
- Virus hunter Ron Fouchier on understanding the evolution of viruses in order to protect mankind and animals from virus attacks and even using viruses as a f... (53:32) 23 Mar 2016
- Trond Helge Torsvik - Extra footage
- Torsvik drilling in Icelandic rock; at the plate boundary betwoon North America and Europe; scenery shots of Iceland; Torsvik at a geothermal powerplant. (13:59) 10 May 2016
- Trond Helge Torsvik
- A modern day Jules Verne, Norwegian geophysicist Trond Helge Torsvik wants to reconstruct the evolution of the earth and to answer the question why the eart... (54:24) 10 May 2016
- Susant Pattnaik: Extra footage part 3
- Susant Pattnaik visits his parental house where he talks about how he started out as an inventor. Also some extra footage of Bopal, India (12:44) 11 Sep 2016
Results from complete repository (10,949)
- Boerenorde of Bolsjewisme. Landdag van het Agraries Front t...
- Spiegel der beweging nr. 8, item 1NSB-propagandafilm, die beelden toont van de landdag van het Agraries Front. Mensen komen met de trein. Als het publiek zich verzamelt heeft op het terrein ... (02:28) 01 Jan 1941
- Weeknummer 26-10Bioscoopjournaals waarin Nederlandse onderwerpen van een bepaalde week worden gepresenteerd. (01:11) 01 May 1926
- Weekjournaal van Polygoon Hollands Nieuws van week 8 uit 1938. (01:16) 13 Feb 1938
- Zwitserse serenade aan Amsterdams burgemeester
- Weekjournaal van Polygoon Hollands Nieuws van week 8 uit 1949. (01:21) 14 Feb 1949
- Weekjournaal van Polygoon Hollands Nieuws van week 1 uit 1946. (00:48) 31 Dec 1945
- Wild boar and deer at the Veluwe
- Week number: 80-29Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (03:22) 01 Jan 1980
- Zwieren, zwaaien, rondjes draaien.
- De titel zegt genoeg! (01:21) 25 Mar 2012
- Zwemwedstrijden van het leven
- Weeknummer 27-18Bioscoopjournaals waarin Nederlandse onderwerpen van een bepaalde week worden gepresenteerd. (01:57) 31 Jul 1927
- Weekjournaal van Polygoon Hollands Nieuws van week 29 uit 1939. (01:06) 09 Jul 1939
- Zwemwedstrijden Holland-Frankrijk
- Weekjournaal van Polygoon Hollands Nieuws van week 31 uit 1934. (01:27) 29 Jul 1934