
Below you will find the media items sorted by date of upload.

Double Points: Bertha 1/6
Double Points: Bertha 1/6
The Bermudez TriangleThrough email correspondence with Austrian writer/critic Helmut Ploebst, Bertha Bermudez Pascual examines her past as a classical dancer (03:55) 18 Apr 2003
Double Points: Two 2/6
Double Points: Two 2/6
Questioning the utopia of synchronicity by pursuing it at the same time (02:59) 09 Nov 1998
Double Points: Two 1/6
Double Points: Two 1/6
Questioning the utopia of synchronicity by pursuing it at the same time (05:27) 09 Nov 1998
Double Points: Two 3/6
Double Points: Two 3/6
Questioning the utopia of synchronicity by pursuing it at the same time (02:59) 09 Nov 1998
Double Points: Two 4/6
Double Points: Two 4/6
Questioning the utopia of synchronicity by pursuing it at the same time (04:54) 09 Nov 1998
Double Points: Two 5/6
Double Points: Two 5/6
Questioning the utopia of synchronicity by pursuing it at the same time (03:42) 09 Nov 1998
Double Points: Two 6/6
Double Points: Two 6/6
Questioning the utopia of synchronicity by pursuing it at the same time (04:52) 09 Nov 2008
Angst en ellende in het rijk van Kok 13/23
Angst en ellende in het rijk van Kok 13/23
De grimmige theatrale satire ‘ Angst en Ellende in het Rijk van Kok’ stelt de vraag aan de orde in hoeverre de Islam in Nederland een bedreiging vormt voor ... (02:59) 08 Apr 1999
Angst en ellende in het rijk van Kok 22/23
Angst en ellende in het rijk van Kok 22/23
De grimmige theatrale satire ‘ Angst en Ellende in het Rijk van Kok’ stelt de vraag aan de orde in hoeverre de Islam in Nederland een bedreiging vormt voor ... (03:07) 08 Apr 1999
Varkens / Boeren: The making of Truus en Connie 01/12
Varkens / Boeren: The making of Truus en Connie 01/12
Varkens / Boeren: The making of Truus en Connie is een document dat laat zien hoe een gezelschap reageert op gebeurtenissen uit de werkelijkheid en het verh... (01:52) 25 Oct 2001

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Results from complete repository (10,724)

Edam by the sea
Edam by the sea
Week number: 35-29Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (01:46) 30 Jun 1935
Construction in the Bijlmermeer
Construction in the Bijlmermeer
Week number: 67-40Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (01:09) 01 Oct 1967
Inhabitants of Amsterdam on holiday
Inhabitants of Amsterdam on holiday
Week number 48-34Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (01:21) 06 Aug 1948
Festival in the Jordaan
Festival in the Jordaan
Week number 49-37Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (01:15) 11 Sep 1949
Scouts water camp
Scouts water camp
Week number 61-32Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (01:28) 01 Jul 1961
The rain came
The rain came
Week number 59-43Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (01:29) 17 Oct 1959
Our naval coast guard
Our naval coast guard
Week number 40-06Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (01:43) 03 Feb 1940
The beautiful, hot summer
The beautiful, hot summer
Week number 73-29Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (02:06) 01 Jul 1973
Low water level in the rivers hinders shipping
Low water level in the rivers hinders shipping
Week number 53-50Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (01:43) 01 Jan 1953
Demonstration by the Rotterdam motorcycle police
Demonstration by the Rotterdam motorcycle police
Week number 48-13Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (01:31) 01 Mar 1948

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