
Below you will find the media items sorted by date of upload.

Fra Cevello e Movimento: Extra Dry 2/7
Fra Cevello e Movimento: Extra Dry 2/7
A dancer is joined by his double. His universe is invaded; the two bodies cross invisible boundaries, moving from the explosive to the exploratory in the se... (05:24) 14 Apr 1999
Fra Cevello e Movimento: Extra Dry 3/7
Fra Cevello e Movimento: Extra Dry 3/7
Onderzoek naar de tweespalt tussen brein (cervello) en beweging (movimento); een ratio die verlangt naar controle over het lichaam, en het lichaam dat nieuw... (04:51) 14 Apr 1999
Fra Cevello e Movimento: Extra Dry 4/7
Fra Cevello e Movimento: Extra Dry 4/7
Onderzoek naar de tweespalt tussen brein (cervello) en beweging (movimento); een ratio die verlangt naar controle over het lichaam, en het lichaam dat nieuw... (04:42) 14 Apr 1999
Fra Cevello e Movimento: Extra Dry 5/7
Fra Cevello e Movimento: Extra Dry 5/7
Onderzoek naar de tweespalt tussen brein (cervello) en beweging (movimento); een ratio die verlangt naar controle over het lichaam, en het lichaam dat nieuw... (05:35) 14 Apr 1999
Fra Cevello e Movimento: Extra Dry 6/7
Fra Cevello e Movimento: Extra Dry 6/7
Onderzoek naar de tweespalt tussen brein (cervello) en beweging (movimento); een ratio die verlangt naar controle over het lichaam, en het lichaam dat nieuw... (05:00) 14 Apr 1999
Fra Cevello e Movimento: Extra Dry 7/7
Fra Cevello e Movimento: Extra Dry 7/7
A dancer is joined by his double. His universe is invaded; the two bodies cross invisible boundaries, moving from the explosive to the exploratory in the se... (05:35) 14 Apr 1999
Fra cervello e movimento: Rosso 7/7
Fra cervello e movimento: Rosso 7/7
A dancer is joined by his double. His universe is invaded; the two bodies cross invisible boundaries, moving from the explosive to the exploratory in the se... (07:01) 18 Dec 1990
Liefhebber 01/10
Liefhebber 01/10
Buff (Liefhebber), the theatre critic, comes home after another bad performance. He’s made up his mind. He’s never going to the theatre again and he doesn’t... (03:46) 31 Mar 1992
Liefhebber 02/10
Liefhebber 02/10
Buff (Liefhebber), the theatre critic, comes home after another bad performance. He’s made up his mind. He’s never going to the theatre again and he doesn’t... (04:25) 31 Mar 1992
Liefhebber 03/10
Liefhebber 03/10
Buff (Liefhebber), the theatre critic, comes home after another bad performance. He’s made up his mind. He’s never going to the theatre again and he doesn’t... (02:46) 31 Mar 1992

«« First1617181920212223242526272829303132Last »»

Results from complete repository (10,724)

Fight against Newcastle disease
Fight against Newcastle disease
Week number 50-26Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (02:24) 27 Jun 1950
International Friesian handball competitions
International Friesian handball competitions
Week number 49-30Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (01:05) 20 Jul 1949
Amsterdam Sports Week 1949
Amsterdam Sports Week 1949
Week number 49-27Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (01:25) 03 Jul 1949
Opening of a new sports park
Opening of a new sports park
Week number 51-37Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (01:34) 08 Sep 1951
Inauguration of youth nature watch
Inauguration of youth nature watch
Week number 51-28Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (01:34) 09 Jul 1951
University house has its first lustrum
University house has its first lustrum
Week number 51-06Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (01:37) 31 Jan 1959
Homeless people from the middle of Europe obtain asylum in o...
Homeless people from the middle of Europe obtain asylum in our country
Week number 50-48Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (01:04) 28 Nov 1950
Baseball match The Netherlands-Belgium
Baseball match The Netherlands-Belgium
Week number 50-31Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (01:20) 06 Aug 1950
The bird colony in nature reserve 'De Beer'
The bird colony in nature reserve 'De Beer'
Week number 52-25Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (01:34) 01 Jun 1950
Minister Rutten opens a refectory for students
Minister Rutten opens a refectory for students
Week number 52-04Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (01:22) 22 Jan 1952

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