
Below you will find the media items sorted by date of upload.

MacBeth 06/33
MacBeth 06/33
Actors Pierre Bokma and Marieke Heebink portray the infamous Shakespearian couple that, driven by an insatiable lust for power, are prepared to go to the li... (01:48) 27 Apr 2001
MacBeth 05/33
MacBeth 05/33
Actors Pierre Bokma and Marieke Heebink portray the infamous Shakespearian couple that, driven by an insatiable lust for power, are prepared to go to the li... (06:09) 27 Apr 2001
MacBeth 04/33
MacBeth 04/33
Actors Pierre Bokma and Marieke Heebink portray the infamous Shakespearian couple that, driven by an insatiable lust for power, are prepared to go to the li... (03:24) 27 Apr 2001
MacBeth 03/33
MacBeth 03/33
Actors Pierre Bokma and Marieke Heebink portray the infamous Shakespearian couple that, driven by an insatiable lust for power, are prepared to go to the li... (04:47) 27 Apr 2001
MacBeth 02/33
MacBeth 02/33
Actors Pierre Bokma and Marieke Heebink portray the infamous Shakespearian couple that, driven by an insatiable lust for power, are prepared to go to the li... (03:39) 27 Apr 2001
MacBeth 01/33
MacBeth 01/33
Actors Pierre Bokma and Marieke Heebink portray the infamous Shakespearian couple that, driven by an insatiable lust for power, are prepared to go to the li... (02:58) 27 Apr 2001
Buff 10/10
Buff 10/10
Buff (Liefhebber), the theatre critic, comes home after another bad performance. He’s made up his mind. He’s never going to the theatre again and he doesn’t... (03:42) 31 Mar 1992
Liefhebber 09/10
Liefhebber 09/10
Buff (Liefhebber), the theatre critic, comes home after another bad performance. He’s made up his mind. He’s never going to the theatre again and he doesn’t... (02:51) 31 Mar 1992
Liefhebber 08/10
Liefhebber 08/10
Buff (Liefhebber), the theatre critic, comes home after another bad performance. He’s made up his mind. He’s never going to the theatre again and he doesn’t... (02:58) 31 Mar 1992
Liefhebber 07/10
Liefhebber 07/10
Buff (Liefhebber), the theatre critic, comes home after another bad performance. He’s made up his mind. He’s never going to the theatre again and he doesn’t... (04:45) 31 Mar 1992

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Results from complete repository (10,724)

Summer party at the young children's house of the NSB
Summer party at the young children's house of the NSB
Week number 43-25Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (01:05) 01 Jun 1943
Zomereiken in landschap
Zomereiken in landschap
Clip gemaakt in de natuur uit de collectie van Stichting Natuurbeelden ( (01:33) 01 Jan 2012
Rainy summer
Rainy summer
Week number 65-30Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (01:27) 01 Jul 1965
Zomer 1969
Zomer 1969
Weeknummer 69-31Bioscoopjournaals waarin Nederlandse onderwerpen van een bepaalde week worden gepresenteerd. (02:16) 01 Jul 1969
Zojuist verschenen, nieuwe grammofoonplaat
Zojuist verschenen, nieuwe grammofoonplaat
Spiegel der beweging nr. 4 (akte 2)NSB-propagandafilm met teksten van titels van zojuist verschenen NSB-liederen op grammofoonplaat.  (04:49) 01 Jan 1941
Zojuist verschenen
Zojuist verschenen
Spiegel der beweging nr. 5 (akte 2), item 3NSB-propagandafilm.  (01:11) 01 Jan 1941
Zojuist verschenen
Zojuist verschenen
Spiegel der beweging nr. 3 (akte 2), item 5NSB-propagandafilm. Titels van NSB-liederen op zojuist verschenen grammofoonplaten.  (01:21) 01 Jan 1941
Zojuist verschenen
Zojuist verschenen
Spiegel der beweging nr. 6, item 10NSB-propagandafilm. Titels van NSB-liederen op zojuist verschenen grammofoonplaten.  (01:05) 01 Jan 1941
Film over de zoetwatervisserij. (12:52) 01 Jan 1942
Zoetwaterplanten in het Naardermeer
Zoetwaterplanten in het Naardermeer
Clip gemaakt in de natuur uit de collectie van Stichting Natuurbeelden ( (09:44) 21 Jul 2017

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