
Below you will find the media items sorted by date of upload.

Fra cervello e movimento: Rosso 3/7
Fra cervello e movimento: Rosso 3/7
A dancer is joined by his double. His universe is invaded; the two bodies cross invisible boundaries, moving from the explosive to the exploratory in the se... (07:19) 18 Dec 1997
Fra cervello e movimento: Rosso 2/7
Fra cervello e movimento: Rosso 2/7
A dancer is joined by his double. His universe is invaded; the two bodies cross invisible boundaries, moving from the explosive to the exploratory in the se... (06:28) 18 Dec 1997
Fra cervello e movimento: Rosso 1/7
Fra cervello e movimento: Rosso 1/7
A dancer is joined by his double. His universe is invaded; the two bodies cross invisible boundaries, moving from the explosive to the exploratory in the se... (08:59) 18 Dec 1997
Fra Cervello e Movimento: Bianco 5/5
Fra Cervello e Movimento: Bianco 5/5
A dancer is joined by his double. His universe is invaded; the two bodies cross invisible boundaries, moving from the explosive to the exploratory in the se... (03:57) 01 Feb 1996
Fra Cervello e Movimento: Bianco 4/5
Fra Cervello e Movimento: Bianco 4/5
A dancer is joined by his double. His universe is invaded; the two bodies cross invisible boundaries, moving from the explosive to the exploratory in the se... (03:59) 01 Feb 1996
Fra Cervello e Movimento: Bianco 3/5
Fra Cervello e Movimento: Bianco 3/5
A dancer is joined by his double. His universe is invaded; the two bodies cross invisible boundaries, moving from the explosive to the exploratory in the se... (03:09) 01 Feb 1996
Fra Cervello e Movimento: Bianco 2/5
Fra Cervello e Movimento: Bianco 2/5
A dancer is joined by his double. His universe is invaded; the two bodies cross invisible boundaries, moving from the explosive to the exploratory in the se... (04:08) 01 Feb 1996
Fra Cervello e Movimento: Bianco 1/5
Fra Cervello e Movimento: Bianco 1/5
A dancer is joined by his double. His universe is invaded; the two bodies cross invisible boundaries, moving from the explosive to the exploratory in the se... (05:03) 01 Feb 1996
Double Points: Two 6/6
Double Points: Two 6/6
Questioning the utopia of synchronicity by pursuing it at the same time (04:52) 09 Nov 2008
Double Points: Two 5/6
Double Points: Two 5/6
Questioning the utopia of synchronicity by pursuing it at the same time (03:42) 09 Nov 1998

«« First1213141516171819202122232425262728Last »»

Results from complete repository (10,724)

Weekjournaal van Polygoon Hollands Nieuws van week 2 uit 1946. (02:03) 07 Jan 1946
Zijne excellentie dr. J.R. Slotemaker de Bruine over het 50-...
Zijne excellentie dr. J.R. Slotemaker de Bruine over het 50-jarig bestaan van het Rijksmuseum
Weekjournaal van Polygoon Hollands Nieuws van week 29 uit 1935. (02:28) 14 Jul 1935
His Excellency dr. J.R. Slotemaker De Bruine on the 50 years...
His Excellency dr. J.R. Slotemaker De Bruine on the 50 years existence of the Rijksmuseum
Week number 35-29Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (02:28) 15 Jul 1935
Zijdebij graaft een nest
Zijdebij graaft een nest
Clip gemaakt in de Nederlandse natuur uit de collectie van Stichting Natuurbeelden ( (04:00) 18 Jul 2013
Zijdebij gluurt uit nestingang
Zijdebij gluurt uit nestingang
Clip gemaakt in de Nederlandse natuur uit de collectie van Stichting Natuurbeelden ( (02:34) 15 Aug 2013
Zijaanzicht heidelibel aan riet
Zijaanzicht heidelibel aan riet
Clip gemaakt in de natuur uit de collectie van Stichting Natuurbeelden ( (00:52) 01 Jan 2010
Zigeuners opgejaagd, maar niet door de wind
Zigeuners opgejaagd, maar niet door de wind
Inspraak 74Overzicht kampterrein. Het dagelijks leven van Roma's in een kamp in België. Ze overleven voornamelijk door het repareren van oude auto's. (50:57) 22 Feb 1974
Zierikzee bestaat 1100 jaar
Zierikzee bestaat 1100 jaar
Weekjournaal van Polygoon Hollands Nieuws van week 31 uit 1949. (01:43) 25 Jul 1949
Ziektebestrijding en veredeling van bol- en knolgewassen
Ziektebestrijding en veredeling van bol- en knolgewassen
Weeknummer 80-22Bioscoopjournaals waarin Nederlandse onderwerpen van een bepaalde week worden gepresenteerd. (01:54) 01 Jan 1980
Septuple wedding of Hungarian refugees
Septuple wedding of Hungarian refugees
Week number: 57-04Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (01:48) 15 Jan 1957

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