
Below you will find the media items sorted by date of upload.

Joanna Aizenberg about creating every desired material
Joanna Aizenberg about creating every desired material
Material scientist Joanna Aizenberg is an international pioneering in the creation of new, adaptive materials inspired by nature. (01:06:52) 21 Sep 2016
John List on changing the rules of economy
John List on changing the rules of economy
Using field experiments in economy creating a more honest system and equally distributed wealth. (49:00) 25 Oct 2016
John List: Extra footage 1
John List: Extra footage 1
John List shows his collection of precious baseball cards. (11:56) 25 Oct 2016
John List: Extra footage 2
John List: Extra footage 2
John List visits the school where he does one of his field expiriments. (11:23) 25 Oct 2016
John List: Extra footage 3
John List: Extra footage 3
Drone footage of the University of Chicago (06:29) 25 Oct 2016
Juan Maldacena: Extra footage
Juan Maldacena: Extra footage
Juan Maldacena elaborating on the problems he is currently studying, discussing quantum mechanical issues with his colleagues, and spending some time with h... (22:29) 21 Feb 2016
Lee Cronin: Extra footage 1
Lee Cronin: Extra footage 1
Lee Cronin on how he combines and creates complexity with his equipment, by analogies with bakers and cocktails, and on digital chemistry (23:50) 01 Jan 1960
Lee Cronin: Extra footage 2
Lee Cronin: Extra footage 2
Lee Cronin demonstrating 'impossible' molecules; taking a nap in his sofa; theorizing on the glass wall; shots of the Cronin lab at the School of Chemistry ... (04:00) 01 Jan 1960
Martin Rees on the future of man in the cosmos
Martin Rees on the future of man in the cosmos
UK's Astronomer Royal reflects on the future of humanity in the cosmos (01:04:57) 27 Nov 2016
Math genius Artur Avila about calming chaos
Math genius Artur Avila about calming chaos
Brazilian math genius Artur Avila searching for ways to understand chaos in complex dynamic systems that evolve over time such as planets moving around a st... (01:40:04) 01 Mar 2016

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Results from complete repository (10,949)

'Stronger by Work'
'Stronger by Work'
Week number 64-27Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (01:29) 01 Jul 1964
'This is not a Love Story' Or 'Life of a Secret Agent'
'This is not a Love Story' Or 'Life of a Secret Agent'
The life of a secret agent given in a promo style. music: cdk - Rock Song (under Creative Commons Licence, (02:55) 24 Apr 2012
1 km pedaling, 4 km freewheeling
1 km pedaling, 4 km freewheeling
Week number 54-51Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (01:02) 09 Dec 1954
1 Mei dag
1 Mei dag
Weeknummer 21-01Bioscoopjournaals waarin Nederlandse onderwerpen van een bepaalde week worden gepresenteerd. (07:14) 29 Apr 1921
1 mei viering
1 mei viering
Weekjournaal van Polygoon Hollands Nieuws van week 9 uit 1931. (01:00) 22 Feb 1931
1 mei, dag van de arbeid
1 mei, dag van de arbeid
Spiegel der beweging nr. 5 (akte 1), item 2NSB-propagandafilm over de viering van de dag van de arbeid. De heer Woudenberg houdt een toespraak. Gedurende zijn toespraak toont de film beelden van de 1... (02:03) 01 Jan 1941
1 May: International Workers' Day
1 May: International Workers' Day
Week number 41-18Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (02:12) 01 May 1941
10-jarig bestaan bio-vacantie oord
10-jarig bestaan bio-vacantie oord
Weekjournaal van Polygoon Hollands Nieuws van week 13 uit 1937. (02:04) 21 Mar 1937
10 year anniversary of the Bio vacation resort
10 year anniversary of the Bio vacation resort
Week number 37-13Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (02:04) 23 Mar 1937
10-jarig bestaan van de school voor reserveofficieren der in...
10-jarig bestaan van de school voor reserveofficieren der infanterie
Weekjournaal van Polygoon Hollands Nieuws van week 22 uit 1935. (03:34) 26 May 1935

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