
Below you will find the media items sorted by date of upload.

Pascal Fung on building robots with empathy
Pascal Fung on building robots with empathy
Building robots and machines with empathy (43:41) 15 Apr 2016
Pascale Fung on building robots with empathy
Pascale Fung on building robots with empathy
Building robots and machines with empathy (43:41) 15 Apr 2016
Pascale Fung: extra footage
Pascale Fung: extra footage
Fung visits the Hong Kong Electronic fair, interacts with a digital robot, strolls on the beach, plays with her kids, and visits her flamenco class (12:39) 15 Apr 2016
Psychologist Charles Spence on fooling and reinforcing your ...
Psychologist Charles Spence on fooling and reinforcing your senses
British experimental psychologist Charles Spence on reprogramming and enhancing your senses. (01:35:31) 26 Jun 2016
Quantum physicist Juan Maldacena on the new quantum-reality ...
Quantum physicist Juan Maldacena on the new quantum-reality theory
Juan Maldacena, a quantum physicist at the Institute of Advanced Study (IAS), on a new quantum-reality theory. He is often called 'the new Einstein'. (01:13:06) 21 Feb 2016
Rick Tumlinson: Extra footage 1
Rick Tumlinson: Extra footage 1
Rick Tumlinson visoins of a modern way of colonisation, and a sneak peak of his personal belongings (04:03) 02 Oct 2016
Rick Tumlinson: Extra footage 2
Rick Tumlinson: Extra footage 2
Rick Tumlinson visits a re-enactment of 19th century Gonzales, discusses Texas' history and dives into his own family history (27:15) 02 Oct 2016
Ron Fouchier: Extra footage 1
Ron Fouchier: Extra footage 1
Interview with Ron Fouchier in a duck trap facility. He explains his research on flu viruses on wild birds, and reflects on its potential effects for humans... (27:00) 23 Mar 2016
Ron Fouchier: Extra footage 2
Ron Fouchier: Extra footage 2
Ron Fouchier in the Erasmus Medical Center Rotterdam, visiting the co-workers in his lab. Also a view on some security measures and experiments with frets, ... (11:42) 23 Mar 2016
Sara Seager on finding exoplanets and life in the universe
Sara Seager on finding exoplanets and life in the universe
Exoplanet hunter Sara Seager talks about her pioneering work in finding exoplanets, planets that orbit stars other than the sun, her search for extraterrest... (01:20:14) 26 Apr 2016

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Results from complete repository (10,949)

100-jarige weduwe Van Wijngaarden
100-jarige weduwe Van Wijngaarden
Weekjournaal van Polygoon Hollands Nieuws van week 5 uit 1937. (01:10) 24 Jan 1937
100ste RAI
100ste RAI
Weeknummer 80-07Bioscoopjournaals waarin Nederlandse onderwerpen van een bepaalde week worden gepresenteerd. (04:18) 01 Jan 1980
105-year-old presents her great-great-grandchild for baptism...
105-year-old presents her great-great-grandchild for baptism
Week number 58-46Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (01:15) 09 Nov 1958
115 jarig bestaan van het regiment huzaren
115 jarig bestaan van het regiment huzaren
Bioscoopjournaals waarin Nederlandse onderwerpen van een bepaalde week worden gepresenteerd. (59:59) 01 Jan 1970
11e nationale huishoudbeurs in Amsterdam
11e nationale huishoudbeurs in Amsterdam
Weeknummer 56-13Bioscoopjournaals waarin Nederlandse onderwerpen van een bepaalde week worden gepresenteerd. (01:29) 19 Mar 1956
12 huizen afgebrand
12 huizen afgebrand
Weeknummer 30-07Bioscoopjournaals waarin Nederlandse onderwerpen van een bepaalde week worden gepresenteerd. (00:34) 31 Dec 1929
12 twaalf Ierse settertjes
12 twaalf Ierse settertjes
Weekjournaal van Polygoon Hollands Nieuws van week 49 uit 1936. (00:41) 29 Nov 1936
12,5-jarig ambtsjubileum van burgemeester L.C. Kolff
12,5-jarig ambtsjubileum van burgemeester L.C. Kolff
Weekjournaal van Polygoon Hollands Nieuws van week 4 uit 1935. (00:56) 20 Jan 1935
120 jarig bestaan van de garderegimenten grenadiers en jager...
120 jarig bestaan van de garderegimenten grenadiers en jagers, defilŽ voor HM de Koningin
Weekjournaal van Polygoon Hollands Nieuws van week 27 uit 1949. (01:31) 27 Jun 1949
120-jarig bestaan van het 2de half regiment huzaren
120-jarig bestaan van het 2de half regiment huzaren
Weekjournaal van Polygoon Hollands Nieuws van week 15 uit 1935. (00:39) 08 Apr 1935

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